Where we’re going
Self-Insurance: The Impact of Health Reform
Health Reform accelerated the trend to self-insure health plans, large and small. The Department of Labor’s annual reports have not identified any negative impact on participant benefits or the public marketplace exchanges. Plan sponsors of self-insured plans should ensure that plan document provisions authorizing the use of discretion by the plan administrator are in sync … Continued
A Year in Retrospect: How the No Surprises Act Impacted Medical Billing
The Best Response to the NSA is Still a Strategic and Compliant Approach One year ago, the United States marked a turning point for health care cost transparency with a new law aimed at helping Americans avoid unnecessary, unexpected medical debt. The No Surprises Act (NSA) was signed into federal law after years of negotiation between health … Continued
Post-Pandemic Era Poses Challenges and Opportunities for Employer Sponsored, Self-Insured Health Plans
Providing employees with access to affordable, quality healthcare is one of the greatest economic challenges for employers today. Finding the right balance between a benefit package that is both adequate and affordable — yet financially sustainable — has never been easy. Now, these efforts are compounded by COVID-19 and its significant post-pandemic challenges. While Plan … Continued