July 18, 2024

The Medical Debt Cancellation Act: Implications & Strategies for Plan Sponsors & Advisors

As benefits advisors, it is crucial to understand the nuances of this legislation and explore how plan sponsors can proactively assist employees in managing health care costs and avoid the burden of medical debt.

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July 11, 2024

Medical Debt Cancellation Act: Temporary relief but the root cause is still there

A discussion about the Medical Debt Cancellation Act and its benefits and limitations.

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April 12, 2024

Strategic reference-based pricing: A cure for the medical overbilling epidemic

Discusses the vicious cycle of medical overbilling and an innovative way to address it.

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March 11, 2024

Special Report: Healthcare Costs

Jack answers the question "Will New Rules Lower Your Medical Costs"?

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March 4, 2024

Christine M. Cooper from aequum on Reference-Based Pricing

Christine discusses the benefits of Reference-Based Pricing in a blog post on Shortlister.

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March 1, 2024

Self-Funded Health Plans Can Optimize Value With No Surprise

Christine addresses ways to minimize surprises in medical billing and avoid the No Surprises Act IDR Process.

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February 2, 2024

HSAs - how did we get...here?

Jack discusses what stands in our way when it comes to getting health coverage.

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October 27, 2023

A Strategic, Compliant Response To No Surprises Act Supported By Medical Billing Partnership

This article discusses how the No Surprises Act and Transparency in Coverage affects medical device suppliers.

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August 30, 2023

Understanding Health Plan Rights and Compliance Strategies in Response to the No Surprises Act

Christine Cooper discusses how to leverage the No Surprises Act and price-transparency to empower employers and employees.

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August 28,2023

Employee Mental Health is a Priority for Employee Benefit Plans

Christine Cooper discusses the importance of mental health benefits and a strategic approach to them.

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August 14, 2023

Health care reform: Most workers pay more for other people's health coverage

Jack Towarnicky discusses the effect of COVID-19 on the number of individuals who are insured.

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July 1, 2023

No Surprises Act Protects Against Balance Billing

Christine Cooper discusses what brokers should be aware of when it comes to the No Surprises Act.

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April 21, 2023

The future of employer-sponsored health care: strategic responses and cost containment opportunities

Christine Cooper addresses strategies for providing employee participants with access to affordable, quality health care.

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March 23, 2023

Medical Billing Support Provides Value to Health and Wealth Strategy During Financially Fragile Times

This article dives into how finding the right medical billing partner can provide support in care during financially fragile times.

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January 4, 2023

Plan Sponsors Adopt Key Strategies for Building Health Equity Among Plan Members

Christine Cooper discusses strategies to make health care equitable amongst employees in self-funded health plans.

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November 23, 2022

No Surprises Act Leads to Thousands More Disputes and Delays than Gov't Expected

Christine Cooper discusses the failures of the No Surprises Act with reporter Amanda James.

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September 16, 2022

Strategic and Tactical Responses to Post-Pandemic Healthcare Inflation

Christine Cooper and Jack Towarnicky describe strategic and tactical responses to healthcare inflation.

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September 13, 2022

Key Strategies that Help Plan Sponsors and Participants Navigate Challenging Healthcare Costs

Christine Cooper discusses today's healthcare financial challenges and offers some solutions to control costs.

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September 7, 2022

SIIA Sponsored Webinar - Reference Based Pricing - Optimized

On September 20, 2022, Christine Cooper and Jack Towarnicky confirm why Reference Based Pricing (RBP), “done right”, is the most appropriate plan design response to recent legislation – the Consolidated Appropriations Act (Transparency) and No Surprises Act (NSA). The Department of Labor’s focus on reference-based pricing in sub-regulatory guidance (FAQ) confirms that RBP is here to stay – post Health Reform. Register at the link below!

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July 28, 2022

Cost Savings Initiatives That Help Employees Prepare for Medical Expenses

Christine Cooper discusses the cost of healthcare today and ways to help manage those costs.

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July 21, 2022

Price Transparency and Health Plan Participants

Christine Cooper and Jack Towarnicky discuss pricing transparency through federal legislation requirements.

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June 23, 2022

No Surprise Act - The best compliant, strategic approach for employer-sponsored health plan administrators

Christine Cooper and Jack Towarnicky discuss the problems surrounding the implementation of the No Surprises Act and strategies to respond.

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May 2, 2022

e-Health Radio: An Opportunity to Lower Medical Costs

Christine Cooper and Jack Towarnicky discuss health care consumerism and how to achieve costs savings for patients with host Eric Michaels.

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April 27, 2022

Health Strategies to Improve Health Equity and Help Americans Build Health Savings

Health care cost inflation is impacting the annual and out-of-pocket costs of financially vulnerable Americans. To combat this, experts recommend that health plan sponsors and members focus on proactively building savings in addition to managing costs.

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April 19, 2022

Future of Employer-Sponsored Healthcare Plans

Opportunities remain for plan sponsors and members to optimize cost containment through proactive healthcare management.

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April 4, 2022

Seven Essential Ingredients for Direct Contract Success

This article includes quotes from various healthcare leaders about how to best develop and use direct contracts to benefit self-funded health plans and plan participants.

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March 31, 2022

Cost Management Opportunities and Strategies to Optimize Employer Health Plans

Employers are increasingly pursuing cost management initiatives and education as part of comprehensive wellness initiatives.

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March 12, 2022

e-Health Radio Interview: No More Surprises! Installment #2

Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Jack Towarnicky discuss the following: What’s your best advice for workers when it comes to “Surprise” medical bills? As an employee benefits expert, what advice can you offer employees that is most beneficial regarding their employer-sponsored health plan? I thought you had to enroll in a health plan with a high deductible to be eligible to contribute to a Health Savings Account. Is this true? Let’s say my employer offers two different PPO options, one with a $600 deductible and the other is HSA-capable with a $1,400 deductible. Why would I sign up for the higher deductible option? Given that the employer spend is usually the same for all coverage options, why would they offer HSA-capable coverage?

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February 23, 2022

No more surprises! Navigating compliance with medical billing legislation

It is important for benefits professionals, especially those who administer or sponsor self-funded plans, to understand the NSA's provisions.

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February 7, 2022

No More Surprises! What the No Surprises Act Provisions Mean for Self-Funded Health Plans

The intent of the transparency and surprise/balance billing legislation is to create new, federal consumer protections. However, those same protections shift much of the risk and cost to the plan sponsor or employer.

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February 5, 2022

e-Health Radio Interview: No More Surprises! Installment #1

Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Christine Cooper discuss the following: What drove the formation of aequum and demand for your technologies and services that support health plans with medical billing? What is “Surprise Medical Billing” and how does it impact our healthcare system? What led to federal legislation and the significance of the No Surprises Act (NSA)? What medical services and claims are protected by NSA? When will the rules and provisions of the NSA take effect? What strategies can employer-sponsored health plans and their members take to prepare?

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December 26, 2021

Healthcare Cost Inflation Expands into the New Year, Increases Out-of-Pocket Costs and Expenditures

aequum LLC discusses the reasons for healthcare cost inflation and some opportunities that exist for benefit specialists to achieve significant cost savings.

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December 22, 2021

Healthcare Costs Continue to Rise. Why?

What are the factors that drive healthcare costs and what is and can be done about it? aequum LLC discusses the reasons and some of the solutions.

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November 12, 2021

Be Aware: Medical Coding and Billing Offenses Pose Costly Consequences

80% of medical bills contain errors, and many in healthcare believe that number is rising. This article discusses the most common and costly coding errors.

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November 2, 2021

aequum Welcomes Richard Haseltine as Associate Attorney, Expands Capabilities to Protect Self-Insured Plan Sponsors & Members Against Balanced Billing, Overcharges

aequum LLC introduces Richard Haseltine as the newest member of its team designed to protect patients and plans across the U.S.

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October 22, 2021

Innovative Medical Billing Technology Protects Patients from Surprise Bills

The lack of price transparency throughout the healthcare industry has subjected increasing numbers of patients to the unwanted surprise of unplanned medical bills. This article discuss innovative tech-driven solutions.

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October 8, 2021

Admin's Latest Surprise Billing Regulation Stirs Up Controversy

On September 30, 2021, the latest interim final rule was released to implement the No Surprises Act. Provider groups denounced the rule.

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September 15, 2021

aequum LLC Announces 2021 Milestones

aequum LLC, acting on behalf of 325 self-insured health plans and their participants, has successfully resolved 6,000+ claims - saving over $31 million (97.2%) of disputed charges.

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